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Contact Us / RFQ

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for your robotic fixture needs, ALL inquiries will be treated with confidentiality. 

We will be able to process your inquiry faster and more accurately when provided with the following:

  1. Drawings with weld specification and location along with part tolerance.
  2. 3-D model (.step) files of the part(s) to be processed.
  3. Typical production quantities.
  4. Weld robot cell to be used or we can suggest a model that will be most suitable for your application(s).
  5. We would also like to work with a contact person within your company that would be available to answer questions that may arise, and be able to provide valuable input to the solution.

Please remember that some welded assemblies previously thought to have been “unworkable for weld automation” may be approached in a more innovative manner that will allow you to automate in a most cost effective way.

Sorenson Industrial Systems

S17 W22243 Anoka Avenue

Waukesha Wisconsin 53186

Phone:  (262) 549-1532

Fax:  (262) 549-4731