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Company Profile


Sorenson Industrial Systems has been serving the welding and fabrication industry since 1979.

We have always had a strong emphasis on automated weld process and started our business designing and building automated TIG and MIG welding machines that were dedicated to large quantity runs.

Our focus was on electronic weld process control and mechanizing the movement of the weld gun travel path, holding fixtures and all other aspects of these specialized applications.

As the industry moved toward the more versatile programmable weld robot, we saw the need for proper fixturing so that the weld robot could be utilized to its highest potential, with our previous experience, this was a natural fit for our company.

We have been building fixturing for many different styles of robots and a variety of cell configurations through the years have led with innovative designs along with rugged durability to allow the most precise and productive result attainable.

Finding success and great satisfaction in our work, we look forward to many more years of facing the challenges and building the solutions. 


Sorenson Industrial Systems

S17 W22243 Anoka Avenue

Waukesha Wisconsin 53186

Phone:  (262) 549-1532

Fax:  (262) 549-4731